Please follow the link to open and read the latest news, specifically information about an upcoming rally in August that Larry and Patt Lawson will be hosting. Foothills Travelers July 2023

The Coastal Tarheels (CTH) Chapter’s 45th Anniversary Celebration occurred June 1-4, 2023. A total of 16 CTH coaches and 2 FMCA Representatives (Phyllis Britz, Eastern Area President and Chris Holtzman, Southern Area V.P. of the Eastern Area)

This just arrived from Bruce Taylor, President -  Eastern Sharps & Flats, who stated: "Attached is a very short Special Edition Newsletter from the Eastern Sharps & Flats pertaining to summer and fall opportunities.  I tried to

Please follow the link to open and read the latest news, including a unanimous vote to conform to FMCA’s guide lines to accept self-contained RVs into the chapter.  Thanks to Larry and Patt Lawson from the Foothills Travelers for

Sue, Cipa, Chapter President, has sent the most recent newsletter which includes many photos from the FMCA Perry Convention in March.  Penn Coachment is one of the oldest Chapters in FMCA - they will celebrate their 55th